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Meeting Minutes September 16, 2024 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Diane Deardorff   
Wednesday, 25 September 2024 00:00

Washington Township Board of Supervisor’s Meeting

September 16, 2024

The Washington Township Board of Supervisor’s met at the Municipal Building on September 16, 2024.

All Supervisors were present.

Chairman, Dan McGregor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to approve the August 19, 2024 minutes as presented. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved by Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. to be filed for audit. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor read the following reports. Penn State Health Life Lion EMS had a total of 162 dispatches for the month of August, in the Northern York Division. 8 of those were in Washington Township. 4 were handled by Penn State Health. Northern York County Fire and EMS had 40 calls for the month of August, 3 were in the Township. Wellsville Fire Company had 48 calls for the month, 8 were in Washington Township. Northeast Adams Fire & EMS had 62 calls in August, 10 were in the Township.

Vince Brown, of Wellsville Fire Company provided the Supervisors with the 2023 Fire Company Audit.

Northeast Adams Fire & Ems President, Dustin Avery and Financial Board Member, Glenn Jansen were present to discuss funding options for next year. They reported an average fire call cost approximately $800.00. They would like the BOS to consider a Fire Tax to help with their expenses. The Supervisors will discuss this issue further at their Budget Meeting.

Lieutenant Joseph Spingler with the State Police present information on calls in Washington Township. Majority of the calls are non-criminal, crashes, DUI, welfare checks and warrants.

Subdivision Plans:

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to approve the subdivision plans for Andrew Schrum Parcel LD-1 Blue Hill School Rd since the Township Planning Commission changed their minutes to show the corrected building right as shown on the plans. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion. There is 1 building right remaining with Lot 2 if all requirements can be met at that time.

Land Development plans for Groff Julius Office at 6549 Davidsburg Rd were discussed. The Township Planning Commission referred them to come before the BOS to see if a Zoning Hearing is required. Solicitor Sharon Myers reviewed the Zoning Ordinances. Section 303 uses by right allow for Professional or Business Offices. No Zoning Hearing is required. Comments from York County Planning Commission were received the day of the BOS Meeting. Plans will need to be taken back to the Township’s Planning Commission for approval.

Business from the Floor:

A resident commented on support of a fire tax if the Supervisors would decide to enforce a tax.

Old Business:

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to approve Ordinance 2024-03 Prohibiting Nuisances and Prescribing Penalties, which was continued from last month’s meeting. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

The Supervisors agreed to move forward with a Municipal Waste Ordinance which was also put on hold from last month’s meeting. Solicitor Myers will advertise the ordinance for next month’s meeting, for adoption.

Solicitor Myers researched whether a resolution was ever made for the Township in regards to York County CAP and COM subdivision procedures. Washington Township never agreed to these through a resolution. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr made a motion to adopt the resolution. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor reminded resident f Fall Clean that is scheduled for September19th 8:00-3:30 and September 21st 8:00-12:00

New Business:

The Secretary presented the new Ag Security applications and the 7-year review that was approved by the Township’s Ag Security Board and the Township’s Planning Commission.

The Supervisors instructed Solicitor Myers to advertise this information as a Resolution for approval at next month’s meeting.

Supervisor set October 16th at 8:00 A.M. for the Budget meeting.

Solicitor’s Report:

Solicitor Sharon Myers stated the Township should update their Right-to Know policy to show the latest changes. The Secretary will present the updates at next month’s meeting. She also introduced Attorney Courtney Buechler with CGA Law Firm. She will attend November’s meeting when Attorney Myers will be off on vacation.

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to pay the bills out of the General Funds Account totaling $11,994.02 and the State Account totaling $24,504.90. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 P.M. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Deardorff, Secretary/Treasurer