The beginning of every year, you need to verify the correct information, if you are a Landlord.
If you are a Landlord, please make sure you notify the office with your tenant information. If there is a change you need to contact the office within (20) days.
There is an ordinance requiring this information to be given to the Secretary within twenty (20) days from the date of such occupancy, of ANY RESIDENT, eighteen (18) years of age or older.
If you are a new resident to Washington Township welcome. Please contact the office to make sure we have your correct information for our files.
If you have been a resident and have any changes such as a different phone number or a child who has reached the age of 18, please contact the office to make sure we have the correct information.
Remember to check with the Zoning Officer to see if you need a building permit.
Pre-built storage sheds do need permits.
Swimming Pools do require permits.
As we are all aware, the Pennsylvania Bank barns in our area are quickly disappearing. We are attempting to catalog as many pre1900 barns in Northern York County as possible. Ultimately, the pictures and research will be held in the archives of the Northern York County Historical and Preservation Society(NYCHAPS). We would like to come out and, with you present, take pictures of the barn inside and out. We would also like to meet with the current owners and document as much history as possible concerning former owners and ideally who built the structure and when. If you want your pre1900 barn to be part of this project, please contact Richard Conley preferably at
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
. If you can’t do email, please leave a message at (717) 503 8821.
The York County Recorder of Deeds, Laura Shue, would like to announce a public service to all York County Homeowners:
The Recorder of Deeds Office has been receiving a growing number of calls concerning deed and record safety.
As of October 1st, our office has implemented a “Records Notification Service” for all homeowners in York County.
The service is designed to provide security and assurance, no document is recorded without the homeowner’s knowledge.
Sign up is “FREE” at the York County website, Recorder of Deeds, webpage.
There will never be a charge to sign up.
You will need to provide a valid email address and your property ID number found on your county tax bill or look up on the website. Your email address and property ID number
are protected and not shared with any other sources through this program.
The homeowner will be alerted by email, when a document is recorded with their Property ID Number attached.
This service can identify fraudulent activity that may have occurred without the homeowner’s knowledge.
If you receive an alert, the program will guide you to another website to view the document.
Should you choose to print from this website, there will be a small charge.
Please take advantage of this important safety service. It is easy to sign up and easy to unsubscribe at any time.
There is no risk to the homeowner by signing up, only the benefit of peace of mind.
Laura Shue