Home Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes April 16, 2012 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Diane Deardorff   
Monday, 16 April 2012 00:00

The Washington Township Board of Supervisor’s met at the Municipal Building on April 16, 2012.

Chairman Dan McGregor called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.

Everyone stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved as read.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved as read.

Supervisor Dan McGregor read the following reports. Franklintown Fire Company responded to 18 calls for the month of March with 2 calls in Washington Township. Wellsville Fire Company responded to 13 calls for the month with 3 in the township. There was no report from Dillsburg EMS or East Berlin Fire Company.

Subdivision Plans:

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion for the Secretary to sign the Sewage Module for the Baumgardner subdivision of the Sultzbaugh property. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

Business from the Floor:

Resident Dennis Martin inquired if the Supervisors can make any provisions for Zoning Hearing decisions requirements. He was referring to his hearing decision that allowed him 18 months to secure a building permit, not the 36 months that he asked for. He feels this 35 year old Special Exception requiring a building permit to be obtained in 6 months from the date of the exception is antiquated due to new environmental requirements. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. replied that as long as he is pursuing the work involved to acquire the permit, the township would work with him if he needed to go before the Zoning Hearing Board again to acquire an extension. However every effort must be made to meet the requirements. He also asked the Supervisors if they had any information on Mr. Adams interest to purchase the property on Baltimore Pike from Ronald Wallace and establish another mobile home park. None of the Supervisors were aware of anything other then the information presented at the Planning Commission’s Meeting. Mr. Martin also wanted to know when he could get a copy of the last Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, the Supervisors told him after they are approved at the next meeting.

Resident Lester Herman asked the Supervisors about a grate at Reynolds Road and Route 194. They informed him they will be installing one there.

Resident Ginny Boden asked if lines could be painted on Bermudian Church Road. Supervisor Anderson told her it is on the list of roads to have lines painted on this year.

Resident Jerry Miller asked about the work on the Ridge Road Bridge. The Supervisors informed him that the work has begun and completion is scheduled for October of this year.

Supervisor Dan McGregor closed the meeting at 8:00 to open bids. Bids for assorted stones from Vulcan Construction Materials, York Building Products and Kinsley Materials were received. After opening and reviewing the bids, Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to award the bid to York Building Products. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion. Bids for E-3 Emulsion were received from Wilson Paving, Stewart & Tate, Inc. and Hammaker East LTD. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to award the bid to Stewart & Tate, Inc. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion. Edris Oil Service was the only company that submitted a bid for assorted fuels. This year they supplied a fixed price for the whole year and a current OPIS price that changes daily. Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to award the bid to Edris Oil at the fixed price. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor reopened the meeting at 8:11 P.M. with Old Business.

Old Business:

Supervisor Jeff Propps reported that he needs 3 maps and the Table of Contents finished and then he will summit the updated zoning ordinances to county by the end of the week.

New Business:

Supervisor Dan McGregor reminded residents that Applications for Ag Security are due in the township office by June 1st.

Supervisor Jeff Propps presented a draft copy of the Stormwater Ordinance for Washington Township. It will be a stand alone ordinance not incorporated into the new zoning ordinance updates. Attorney Mieke Driscoll, representative for Solicitor Sharon Myers, advised him to provide Sharon with a copy, before presenting it to county. The township’s Planning Commission does not need to review the ordinance.

Supervisor Jeff Propps presented Resolution 2012-01 Prevailing Wage Update. He explained the changes for prevailing wages and made a motion to adopt this resolution in support of the changes. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

Solicitor’s Report:

Attorney Mieke Driscoll read a memo from Mark Flaharty to Attorney Myers on the Manure Management Plan, as questioned by Supervisor Propps at the last meeting. It explained that farmers need two plans, a Conservation Plan and a Manure Management Plan. These plans do not need to be submitted unless there is a complaint. It is not up to the township to enforce the Manure Management Plans. The Conservation District will assist with problems relating to Manure Management and if issues cannot be resolved they will forward the complaints to DEP.

Supervisor Jeff Propps made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

Supervisor Jeff Propps made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 P.M. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Deardorff, Secretary/Treasurer



Beginning Balance May 21, 2012 $ 118,116.73

Checks Written May 21, 2012 $ 12,501.80

Ending Balance May 21, 2012 $ 105,614.93


Beginning Balance May 21, 2012 $ 40,826.25

Checks Written May 21, 2012 $ 2,227.27

Ending Balance May 21, 2012 $ 38,598.98




Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 11:48