Meeting Minutes July 18, 2022 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Diane Deardorff   
Wednesday, 20 July 2022 00:00

The Washington Township Board of Supervisor’s met at the Municipal Building on July 18, 2022.

All Supervisors were present.

Chairman Dan McGregor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to approve the July minutes as read. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.

The Treasurer’s report was read and approved by Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. to be filed for audit. Supervisor Dan McGregor seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor read the following EMS reports. Penn State Health Life Lion EMS responded to 183 calls for the month of June, 3 were in Washington Township. Northern York County Fire Rescue EMS responded to 39 calls, 1 was in the Township. Wellsville Fire Company responded to 36 calls, 3 were in the Township. Northeast Adams Fire & EMS responded to 17 calls for the month, 1 was in the Township.

Wellsville Fire Company President, Sandy Brown, provided the Supervisors with the latest minutes from the Fire Company and profit and loss reports. She also discussed the upcoming Fire Co. Carnival along with training updates. She also stated the Fire Company is working on a Jr Fire Fighter program.

Subdivision Plans:

Supervisor Ralph McGregor made a motion to approve Galen & Marilyn Julius’s subdivision plans for parcel KD-9B, as presented, on the Davidsburg Rd. Supervisor Harlen Anderson seconded the motion. The subdivision is for 3 lots. Only one (1) lot has a building right and the other two (2) will remain agriculture use only, with no building rights. Supervisor Ralph McGregor made a motion to have the Secretary sign the Non-Building waiver for the 2 remaining lots. Supervisor Harlen Anderson seconded the motion.

Solicitor Sharon Myers updated the residents on the Building Rights for 847 Wellsville Rd., which was questioned at last month’s meeting. After discussion with the Supervisors, the current ordinance under Section 303 (h) 1. 0-29.9 acres allows for 3 building rights. This was never done this way before, but the Supervisors will allow one (1) building right to be transferred from parcel LD-35 to LD-44J. The property owners have been notified. Because of this translation, Solicitor Myers has made an amendment to Zoning Ordinance Section 419, adding transferring lots shall have a minimum of 10 acres. Supervisor Ralph McGregor made a motion to accept the proposed changes as Ordinance 2022-01. Supervisor Dan McGregor seconded the motion. Solicitor Myers will begin the process by submitting the information to York County Planning Commission and Washington Township Planning Commission for their review.

Business from the Floor:

EBACC President , Robin Heyser was present and informed everyone that they are the new owners of the former Adams County Fair Grounds. This is located on RT 194, outside of East Berlin heading towards Abbottstown. It is their plan to pay off the loan for the land within 2 years and then raise funds for the new building. This may take 8-10 years. They will continue to operate at the current building in East Berlin as long as they can. There currently is no signed lease. Anyone that might have memorabilia or photos when the Fair Grounds was operating, please contact EBACC

Supervisor Ralph McGregor made a motion to accept the letter of resignation from Washington Township’s EMA Coordinator, Kevin Brehm. Supervisor Dan McGregor seconded the motion.

Kevin stated that the main reasons for resigning is his time and also the requirements for training required by PEMA. All Supervisors thanked Kevin for all his years of service to Washington Township.

Old Business:

There was no old business.

New Business:

Supervisor Ralph McGregor made a motion to set the Fall Clean-Up Dates as follows; Thursday September 22nd from 8:00 until 3:30 and Saturday September 24th from 8:00 until 12:00. Supervisor Dan McGregor seconded the motion.

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to approve the Fire Protection Agreement with Wellsville Fire Company. Supervisor Dan McGregor seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to approve Resolution 2022-05 authorizing Northeast Adams Fire & EMS to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Distribution Program. Supervisor Harlen Anderson seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor made amotion to close the regular BOS Meeting at 7:32 P.M.

Supervisor Ralph McGregor seconded the motion

Supervisor Dan McGregor called the Comcast Franchise Renewal Hearing to order.

The following residents spoke John Peters, Joe Hinkle, Jerre Miller, Caroll Myers. All had issues with not having service provided to them from Comcast or if Comcast would install service to them the cost was outrageous!

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion at 7:41P.M. to close the hearing. Supervisor Harlen Anderson seconded the motion.

Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to reopen the regular BOS meeting at 7:42 P.M.

Supervisor Harlen Anderson seconded the motion.

Solicitor’s Report:

Solicitor, Sharon Myers stated she needs an executive session after the meeting to discuss potential litigation regarding 380 Kralltown Rd. She had nothing additional to discuss.

Supervisor Ralph McGregor made a motion to pay the bills out of the General Funds Account totaling

$ 9,615.18 and the State Account totaling $ 13,144.10. Supervisor Harlen Anderson seconded the motion.

Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 P.M. Supervisor Ralph McGregor seconded the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane Deardorff, Secretary/Treasurer