The Washington Township Board of Supervisor’s met at the Municipal Building on November 20, 2023.
All Supervisors were present.
Chairman Dan McGregor called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to approve the October 16th minutes as presented. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.
The Treasurer’s report was read. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read and to be filed for audit. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.
Supervisor Dan McGregor read the following reports. Penn State Health Life Lion EMS had 166 dispatches for the month of October, 6 were in Washington Township. Northern York County Fire Rescue EMS responded to 35 calls for the month of October, 1 was in Washington Township. Wellsville Fire Company responded to 27 calls for the month with 3 in the Township. Northeast Adams Fire & EMS responded to 27 calls, 2 were in the Township.
Wellsville Fire Company Assistant Chief, Vince Brown, presented the latest meeting minutes and financial reports. He reported that they will be having Breakfast with Santa on December 2nd and Santa with the Engine on December 9th.
Subdivision Plans:
There were no plans present at the time.
Business from the Floor:
There was no business from the floor.
Old Business:
Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to adopt the 2024 Budget as advertised, for the General and State Accounts. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.
Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to appoint Smith Elliot Kerns & Co. to perform the 2023 audit, replacing the elected auditors, as advertised. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.
New Business:
Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr made a motion to approve the Northern York County Fire Rescue Agreement. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.
Supervisor Dan McGregor announced the York County Festival of Lights at Rocky Ridge Park. Tickets must be purchased on-line only. There is no walk-in admission.
Solicitor’s Report:
Solicitor Sharon Myers had nothing additional to discuss.
Supervisor Dan McGregor made a motion to pay the bills out of the General Funds Account totaling $9,287.57 and the State Account totaling $25,256.65. Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. seconded the motion.
Supervisor Harlen Anderson, Jr. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 P. M. Supervisor Jeff Propps seconded the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane Deardorff, Secretary/Treasurer