Daniel McGregor, Chairman
Harlen Anderson, Jr, Vice-Chairman
Jeffrey Propps
Support Staff:
Diane Deardorff, Secretary-Treasurer 717-432-9814
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Rebecca Bradshaw, Zoning Officer 717-432-9814
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Dorothy Yost, Tax-Collector 717-432-3484
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Diane Deardorff- Right-to-Know Officer 717-432-9814
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Contracted Staff:*
Sharon Myers, Solicitor* 717-848-4900
GLBA ASS, Byron Trout, Engineer* 717-741-4621
Chris Owens, Sewage Enforcement Officer* 717-741-4621
Patrick Buhl, Alternate SEO* 717-356-1733
Approved Code Services, Building Inspector* 717-506-0464
*Indicates services contracted by Washington Township--Individuals who incur charges by contracted staff, not authorized by the supervisors, will be responsible for payment to the township
Planning Commission Members:
Lee Baumgardner-Chairman
Caroll Myers, Secretary
Tina Gleim
Travis Sherman
Dave Wildasin
Zoning Hearing Board:
Shane Nell
Joseph Sieber
Michael Steinke
Andrew Baumgardner
Victor Neubaum, Solicitor
Michael Myers
Thomas Brumagen
Jennifer Stefanik
Emergency Management Coordinators:
Holden McGregor, EMA Coordinator & Washington Township Fire Chief
Kendra Caskey, Dog Warden--phone: 717-329-5106 or Brandon Mitchem 717-756-4350
Department of Environmental Protection, York County--phone: 771-4481